In this latest endeavor “Vuurvonk,” (Eng. Fire Sparkle) my focus is not on directing but rather on researching and developing captivating documentary and television projects. Clients can either bring their own ideas or explore the exciting ideas in Vuurvonk’s portfolio.

The entire process leads up to a pitch, a pilot recording, or even a fully realized first episode. These serve as stepping stones for other directors, production companies and platforms to contribute their expertise. The duration of these assignments can vary greatly – from several months for fiction and non-fiction projects to just a few days for initial brainstorming sessions.

For more detailed information about me as a documentary director, please visit – joerivlekken.com

Research and Development

We help you find the missing spark that makes your audiovisual idea or  proposal come to life.

A spark may ignite a tale of wonder or lead to a dramatic turn of events: stories often originate from moments of change or transformation, much like how a single spark can lead to a momentous or catastrophic event.

During the research and development phase, we dive deep into exploring and defining various perspectives, characters, settings, and the overall narrative structure. This phase is crucial as it sets the foundation for an early final pitch.

Typically, a broadcaster or production company presents an idea which I then refine, either individually or in collaboration with others. This involves establishing the aesthetic and narrative focus of the project.

Extracts from Fiskepark co-developed and co-written with Filip Lenaerts for De Mensen & VRT.



Joeri Vlekken is an accomplished documentary director with a proven track record of successful collaborations with prestigious networks such as VRT EEN, VRT CANVAS, KETNET, RTBF & ARTE. Throughout his career, his work has been broadcasted on various platforms and tv-channels including RTS, Amazon, Apple TV+, VPRO, NOS, MUBI, and others.

In this manner, I have contributed to the ideation process that has underpinned projects such as  “Vibrato”(Canvas); Kinderen van de Migratie”( Canvas); “Het Dorp Achter De Muur”(Canvas); Innommable – Als je ons kan horen” (Eén); “Fiskepark” (De Mensen – Canvas), “Wissel van de Macht” I & II (Canvas), Yuval Harari in Lotto Arena (Newsweek ), “Birth Day” (Eén – Sultan Sushi), “Fanatico” ( PlaySports Bonka Circus ); Het Lam Gods (Canvas), Iedereen Duivel” (Eén – Bonka Circus), “Stemmen uit Iowa” (Canvas), Last Day (Eén – De Mensen), reclame voor JBC, Ketnet, Eén, Vandaag, etc…


A heartfelt musical ode to the 40,000 people who face parkinson every day.

Release – February 27th 2024 – VRTMAX – VRT CANVAS

Extra Release on International Parkinson Day – April 11th – 22.30 – VRTMAX – VRT EEN

Extracts from Vibrato developed and written with Phara de Aguirre for VRT Canvas


What happens behind the walls of the Brussels prisons? This documentary series follows the lives of staff and inmates for a year as they move to a new building.

Release – October 2023 – VRTMAX – VRTCANVAS

Extracts from HET DORP ACHTER DE MUUR developed and written with Leentje Lybaert for VRT Canvas


The ditchedlines where abandoned ideas get a second chance on #vuurvonk.be -Instagram. In this section, unused pitch lines are saved from extinction (thank you AI & Adobe!) after the sarcastic but funny feedback: “Brilliant idea,…NOT.”

#BrilliantNOT #Ditchedlines  07 /12 /2023

“On their wedding day, Ilyo and Sarah find themselves separated by a devastating wildfire. From opposite sides of the burning forest, they witness their envisioned future being torn apart.” (*Music Shadow Play – Warhouse)

#BrilliantNOT #Ditchedlines  13 /12 /2023

“llyo does not know that she survived a devastating wildfire as a newborn, thanks to her parents who hid her in the hollow of an ancient oak. She was found safe, but her parents perished in the flames.” (*Music Shadow Play – Warhouse)

#BrilliantNOT #Ditchedlines  13 /12 /2023

“As a child, she remembers being drawn to trees, touching them would fill her ears with soothing but indistinct voices.” (*Music Walk Walk – Sylvie Kreusch)

#BrilliantNOT #Ditchedlines  22 /12 /2023

“Facing danger, Ilyo’s fire skills are remarkable, but she needs to be careful with this power.” (*Music Shadow Play – Warhouse)

Special Broadcast - Vibrato - April. 11th - 22h30